Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Week 11 Of Passion Projects

My Goal for today was to print out my big title letters and print out more photos to accessorize my display board and to also fill yup some space.

But when we first attempted to print out he letters there was some printing difficulties but the 2nd time it was fine.

Today I completed all of my goals and my goals for next week are:

  • Stick on my title 
  • Stick on my decorations
  • Place my facts onto colourful card and hopefully have time to stick them on my project display board.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Passion Projects

Last week I finished all of my steps on how to become an Actress.   My Steps are 8 simple step on the procedure on how to become and Actress.

Today I printed off my designs to make my finished masterpiece look amazing and found out more facts about the history of Acting!!!

My research that I found today is:

What is Acting?

Acting is a career that involves more than just performing as characters in movies. Acting is the art or occupation of performing fictional roles in movies, plays, and a  TV channel. Acting is a very popular career that a lot of people go for but unfortunately not many people are successful.

If you're passionate about Acting follow your heart!

My Goals for next week!
-Are to glue on my research
-Make more designs for the boarder on the display board!