Monday, October 31, 2016

Science- Chemical reaction!

The exploding lunch bag!

Charli and Skye’s Claim: Malt vinegar in the small bag will explode faster.

Goal: To make the sml bag with malt vinegar in it explode faster.

  • One sml zip lock lunch bag.
  • Baking soda
  • Warm water.
  • Malt Vinegar.
  • Measuring cups.
  • A tissue.


Step 1: Firstly, you pour the ½ cup of Malt Vinegar into the sml lunch ziplock bag.

Step 2: Secondly, you get your teaspoon out and lay out your tissue on a flat surface and pour 3 normal teaspoons of baking soda and then fold the tissue up so none of the baking soda falls out of the tissue.

Step 3: Thirdly, you get out your measuring cups and pour ¼ of a cup of warm water into the ziplock bag and zip up half of the bag so there is a little hole big enough to slip that tissue in with the baking soda and quickly zip the rest of the bag up. Then stand back so you don’t get foamy Malt Vinegar on your clothes.

Step 4: After that, if it doesn’t blow grab a corner of the bag and shake it a little and then stand back again and let the fun begin and watch it burst.

That is how you make a exploding lunch bag!

Conclusion: The small bag exploded faster than the bigger bag, both of the bags had the same amount of malt vinegar and the same amount of warm water.

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