Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Conductors and Insulators!

Conductors and Insulators!

Goal: See what materials are conductors and what materials are Insulators.

  • Wires.                         
  • Batteries.
  • Tin foil.
  • Bulbs.
  • Pegs.
  • Straws.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Gold Paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Nail.
  • Wooden stick.


  1. Firstly, you need to collect your materials.

  1. Then it would help to know if your light bulb works so test your bulb, by testing your light bulb you need to make a small close circuit.
  1. After that you have to create a circuit by conducting.

  1. You put the materials into a circuit so the electrons run up to the light bulb so it lights up.

  1. It is important to record your results, so at the end of this experiment you know what you have done in the last 4 steps.
  2. Then after that you need to write a CONCLUSION.

CONCLUSION Definition:

The end or finish of an event, process or text.

Your circuit should like this:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Science- Chemical reaction!

The exploding lunch bag!

Charli and Skye’s Claim: Malt vinegar in the small bag will explode faster.

Goal: To make the sml bag with malt vinegar in it explode faster.

  • One sml zip lock lunch bag.
  • Baking soda
  • Warm water.
  • Malt Vinegar.
  • Measuring cups.
  • A tissue.


Step 1: Firstly, you pour the ½ cup of Malt Vinegar into the sml lunch ziplock bag.

Step 2: Secondly, you get your teaspoon out and lay out your tissue on a flat surface and pour 3 normal teaspoons of baking soda and then fold the tissue up so none of the baking soda falls out of the tissue.

Step 3: Thirdly, you get out your measuring cups and pour ¼ of a cup of warm water into the ziplock bag and zip up half of the bag so there is a little hole big enough to slip that tissue in with the baking soda and quickly zip the rest of the bag up. Then stand back so you don’t get foamy Malt Vinegar on your clothes.

Step 4: After that, if it doesn’t blow grab a corner of the bag and shake it a little and then stand back again and let the fun begin and watch it burst.

That is how you make a exploding lunch bag!

Conclusion: The small bag exploded faster than the bigger bag, both of the bags had the same amount of malt vinegar and the same amount of warm water.

Friday, May 6, 2016


I wonder    If someday the world is going to end

I Am Charli

I am       Fabulous and unique

I hear       The sound of cheering when I walked up to the stage

I see           An audience applauding at me

I want      One day  to swim with Elephants

I am         Fabulous and unique

I pretend       That I’m walking the red carpet in my designer dress in Hollywood

I feel             Sometimes like I’m winning the netball world cup

I touch         the spotlight

I worry         That something awful is going to happen to my amazing family

I cry               When I am watching an emotional movie

I am               Fabulous and unique

I understand    That dreams don’t happen straight away but they will eventually come true  

I say          That everybody can be anything

I dream         That I will be famous and rich also travel the world with my family

I try    everything and when I want to give up I push myself and say “I won’t get there if I give up”

I hope          My name will be the name on billboards in Hollywood                             

I am          Fabulous and Unique

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Why is it important to be safe online?

It is important to be safe online because if you are not safe online you could get some mean comments from people that you don't know. Also you have to be very careful online because if you post some personal facts about you and your family people could find out where you live and find out if you have gone on a holiday they could possibly come and rob your house.
Here's a question for you- Are you safe online?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Learning is?

We were learning what learning feels like and what it sounds like and looks like.
We did this to show how we learn. This slide show shows what learning looks like and what is sounds like for us.

The Best Part Of Me!

Wednesday 16th March


W.A.L.T-Use paragraphs to organize ideas.
W.A.L.T-Elaborate on ideas through explanation .

The best part of me!

The best part of me is my eyes because every morning and night I get to see my mother, father, brother and sister, also my friends and pets.
My eyes are the best because they allow me to see the world and all the bright colours that make it so beautiful.
I love my eyes because I can see what’s going on and see all the happy people playing and dancing. I can see my family laughing and the yummy homemade chicken casserole I am going to scoff.
I don’t know what I would do without my wonderful eyes, they are so special to me.
Thank you God for giving everyone eyes!
Written by: Charli !   

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I am a Dancer and a Netballer. I like Disney Princesses and I like Dressing up also the colour green and blue. My favourite sport is Dancing and Netball. I am a big fan of Zebras and celebrities. 

My core colour is Red 
Your Core philosophy is red. You see a world that is bettered by passion and individuality. You incorporate emotion and immediate action into your life. You probably have many of these qualities: Fun, Non-Judgemental, Emotional, Enthusiastic, Free-wheeling, Impulsive, Impatient.
 [rumandmonkey the colour wheel personality test]      Image result for zebras

My biography about Ben.T.

by Charli Pringle

Ben was born on the 14/8/2004 in Auckland. He likes playing the guitar and soccer. Ben has three other people in his family. He is 11 years old and he wears glasses.

Ben’s goals are to do great at school so he can get a good job when he is older. At school he learns the guitar.
Ben’s has been playing the guitar for four years and he is really good.

Ben plays one sport which is soccer and he also plays soccer at morning tea and lunch time at school. He plays at Greenhithe Club and likes dribbling the ball and running around. Ben’s Idol is Ronaldo, a famous soccer player, because he is really good and plays in his favourite soccer team.  Ben has shot roughly about 100 goals for soccer since he started when he was 6 years old. Ben wants to be a soccer player and a guitarist when he is older.

Ben enjoys going to the movies and to parks with his family. His favourite movie that he went to with his family was the Martians. In Australia, Ben went to a park for his birthday and had a big family barbeque. He felt good and it was quite loud because there was a lot of people there.

There you have it. Facts you didn't know about Ben.T. I hope you now have an image in your head about this 11 year old young guitar player.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What is blogging?

What is Blogging?
Blogging is where I share my thoughts and work to people. I think blogging is a online webpage that show all my thoughts and my work.

Why is blogging important? I think blogging is important because I can show my learning and thoughts easier.

According to chrome
gerund or present participle: blogging
  1. add new material to or regularly update a blog.
    "it's about a week since I last blogged"
    • write about (an event, situation, topic, etc.) in a blog.
      "he blogged the Democratic and Republican national conventions as an independent"
 How do I feel about blogging?
I like blogging because I am able to show my learning and all my thoughts.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016