Friday, May 6, 2016


I wonder    If someday the world is going to end

I Am Charli

I am       Fabulous and unique

I hear       The sound of cheering when I walked up to the stage

I see           An audience applauding at me

I want      One day  to swim with Elephants

I am         Fabulous and unique

I pretend       That I’m walking the red carpet in my designer dress in Hollywood

I feel             Sometimes like I’m winning the netball world cup

I touch         the spotlight

I worry         That something awful is going to happen to my amazing family

I cry               When I am watching an emotional movie

I am               Fabulous and unique

I understand    That dreams don’t happen straight away but they will eventually come true  

I say          That everybody can be anything

I dream         That I will be famous and rich also travel the world with my family

I try    everything and when I want to give up I push myself and say “I won’t get there if I give up”

I hope          My name will be the name on billboards in Hollywood                             

I am          Fabulous and Unique